📄️ useToggle
The useToggle hook is a custom React hook used to manage a boolean state. This hook allows you to toggle your state (turning it on and off) and set the initial value of the state.
📄️ useWindowSize
The useWindowSize hook is a custom React hook used to track the current window size. It listens for window resize events and provides the current width and height of the window.
📄️ useCookie
The useCookie hook manages cookies in a React application, allowing you to get, set, and remove cookies.
📄️ useCopyToClipboard
The useCopyToClipboard hook provides functionality to copy text to the clipboard and manage the state of the copy action.
📄️ useCountdown
The useCountdown hook provides functionality for managing a countdown timer with customizable interval and optional automatic stop time.
📄️ useCounter
The useCounter hook is a custom React hook designed to manage a counter state with functionalities for incrementing, decrementing, and resetting the counter.
📄️ useDocumentTitle
The useDocumentTitle hook is a custom React hook used to manage and update the document title. It provides an easy way to set and keep track of the title of the web page.
📄️ useHover
The useHover hook is a custom React hook designed to track if an element is being hovered over. It provides a simple way to manage hover states for elements in your components.
📄️ useKeyPress
The useKeyPress hook is a custom React hook used to track if a specific key is currently pressed. It provides an easy way to handle keyboard interactions in your components.
📄️ useLocalStorage
The useLocalStorage hook is a custom React hook for managing a state with localStorage. It simplifies storing, retrieving, and removing values from localStorage, making it easier to persist state across sessions.
📄️ useScrollLock
The useScrollLock hook is a custom React hook used to manage the scroll lock state on the document body. It provides an easy way to lock or unlock scrolling, which can be useful for modals, dialogs, or any scenario where you need to control the scrolling behavior.
📄️ usePrefersTheme
The usePrefersTheme hook is a custom React hook used to determine if the user prefers a dark or light theme. It listens to the user's system preference for color scheme and updates accordingly.
📄️ usePrevious
The usePrevious hook is a custom React hook used to store and retrieve the previous value of a given value. It allows you to access the value from the previous render of a component.
📄️ useScrollPosition
The useScrollPosition hook is a custom React hook used to get the current scroll position of the window. It provides the horizontal and vertical scroll positions, updating them in response to scroll events.
📄️ useSessionStorage
The useSessionStorage hook is a custom React hook used to manage state with sessionStorage. It provides an easy interface to store, update, and remove data from sessionStorage, while keeping it in sync with your component state.