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The useSessionStorage hook is a custom React hook used to manage state with sessionStorage. It provides an easy interface to store, update, and remove data from sessionStorage, while keeping it in sync with your component state.



You can import the useSessionStorage hook from the hookstorm package like this:

import { useSessionStorage } from "hookstorm";


  • key: A string representing the key in sessionStorage to store the value under.
  • initialValue: The initial value to use if no value is found in sessionStorage.

Return Values

The useSessionStorage hook returns the following object:

  • value: The current value from sessionStorage (or initialValue if nothing is stored).
  • setValue: A function to update the value in sessionStorage. Takes a new value as an argument.
  • removeValue: A function to remove the value from sessionStorage.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the useSessionStorage hook within a functional component:

import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { useSessionStorage } from "hookstorm";

export default function SessionStorageComponent(): ReactElement {
const { value, setValue, removeValue } = useSessionStorage<string>(

return (
<p>Stored value: {value}</p>
<button onClick={() => setValue("newValue")}>Set New Value</button>
<button onClick={removeValue}>Remove Value</button>


In the example above:

  • The useSessionStorage hook is used to store a string in sessionStorage under the key "myKey".
  • The value is retrieved from sessionStorage and displayed.
  • The user can set a new value or remove the current value from sessionStorage using the respective buttons.


useSessionStorage simplifies working with sessionStorage in your React components by keeping your state and sessionStorage data synchronized.