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The useOnlineStatus hook tracks the user's internet connection status.



You can import the useOnlineStatus hook from the hookstorm package like this:

import { useOnlineStatus } from "hookstorm";

Return Values

The useOnlineStatus hook returns the following object:

  • isOnline: A boolean indicating if the user is currently online.

Example Usage

import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { useOnlineStatus } from "hookstorm";

export default function NetworkStatus(): ReactElement {
const { isOnline } = useOnlineStatus();

return <p>{isOnline ? "You are online ✅" : "You are offline ❌"}</p>;


  • The useOnlineStatus hook listens for online and offline events.
  • When the internet connection changes, isOnline updates automatically.


This hook is useful for handling cases where users go offline, such as pausing real-time updates or showing an offline message.