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The useToggle hook is a custom React hook used to manage a boolean state. This hook allows you to toggle your state (turning it on and off) and set the initial value of the state.



You can import the useToggle hook from the hookstorm package like this:

import { useToggle } from "hookstorm";


  • initialValue: (optional) A boolean representing the initial state. The default value is false.

Return Values

The useToggle hook returns the following object:

  • value: A boolean representing the current state value.
  • toggle: A function that toggles the state value. It can accept an optional new value. If no new value is provided, it will toggle the current state.

Example Usage

The following example shows how to use the useToggle hook within a functional component:

import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { useToggle } from "hookstorm";

export default function ToggleComponent(): ReactElement {
const { value, toggle } = useToggle();

return (
<p>Status: {value ? "On" : "Off"}</p>
<button onClick={toggle}>Toggle</button>
<button onClick={() => toggle(true)}>On</button>
<button onClick={() => toggle(false)}>Off</button>


In the example above, the ToggleComponent works as follows:

  • The useToggle hook is called, and the value and toggle function are obtained.
  • A text element displays the current status (on or off).
  • When the user clicks the "Toggle" button, the state value is toggled.
  • When the "On" or "Off" buttons are clicked, the state is set directly to the specified value.


useToggle is a simple and effective hook that makes it easier to manage boolean states. You can use it to handle state changes in your projects.