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The usePrefersTheme hook is a custom React hook used to determine if the user prefers a dark or light theme. It listens to the user's system preference for color scheme and updates accordingly.



You can import the usePrefersTheme hook from the hookstorm package like this:

import { usePrefersTheme } from "hookstorm";


The usePrefersTheme hook does not accept any parameters.

Return Values

The usePrefersTheme hook returns the following object:

  • theme: A string indicating if the user prefers "dark" or "light" theme.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the usePrefersTheme hook within a functional component:

import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { usePrefersTheme } from "hookstorm";

export default function ThemeComponent(): ReactElement {
const { theme } = usePrefersTheme();

return (
{theme === "dark" ? (
<p>Dark mode is preferred</p>
) : (
<p>Light mode is preferred</p>


In the example above:

  • The usePrefersTheme hook is used to determine the user's theme preference.
  • The theme variable holds either "dark" or "light" based on the user's system settings.
  • The component displays a message indicating whether dark or light mode is preferred.


usePrefersTheme is a useful hook for adapting your application's theme to match the user's system preferences, providing a more personalized experience.